Nov 4 – Monday: Students complete P-BL #2 Survey Google Form & In-Class Essay #3
Nov 5-26: Project-Based Learning 2: Assign Team and Task
HW: Monday-Wednesday: Independent Reading w/Annotation, Thursday:

  1. Students complete P-BL #2 Survey Google Form
    1. 5 Roles: Technoligist, Researcher, Communicator, Motivator, Coordinator (See in Form)
    2. Instructor creates a new copy and adjusts options for each class.
  2. Instructor creates teams and assigns tasks.
    1. Adjust assignments based on tech availability and class size.
    2. Tasks (nobody in your group can have done similar work in project #1)
      1. Start a small business providing healthy, environmentally friendly items for teens that cost less than $50.
      2. Build a non-profit organization that solves a local social problem for teens at no or little cost to citizens.
      3. Implement a school-wide program that reduces student stress without reducing learning.
      4. Create a new Door County political party that addresses the needs of DC young adults. 
      5. Design a new educational system to meet the needs of 21st century kids.
  3. Review AI Project 1 Lessons:
    1. Creating a good AI prompt.
    2. Project points awarded based on time recommendations: Step 1, 5 possible points, etc.
    3. Time management, intrinsic motivation, failure is an option – but not laziness, and Design Thinking Process:

      Phase 1: Understand:
      Step 1: Empathize w/ Audience (5% time) 1. Analyze your audience 2. Research the situation
      Step 2: Define Goals (5% time) 1. Explain possible solutions. 2. Define expectations

      Phase 2: Explore & Create
      Step 3: Ideate / Plan the Project (10% time) 1. List sound to crazy ideas. 2. Create full outlined plan (deadlines, responsibilities)
      Step 4: Prototype/Create/Do (50% time) 1. Build it. 2. Record problems/solutions.

      Phase 3: Share & Distribute
      Step 5: Test (20% time) 1. Share & Refine the product/service/etc. 2. Change via feedback
      Step 6: Implement (10% time) 1. Implement vision therough a launch or presentation.
  1. Students accomplish the task.
    1. Individual and Group Score


  • This time, your group must organize your work intelligently (or lose points).
  • Each student must create/share an original Google doc to organize and record their individual work.
    •  Share with instructor and all other team members.
  • Each group must use a digital meeting place/document/app to communicate effectively.
    • Communication includes memory.
    • Mr. Hanson must be able to see this work at some point (copy into a section of Doc.)
  • Groups can choose to appoint a leader or not (decentralized growth through teamwork.)
    • Teenagers often waste time without leadership.
  • Everyone should use AI, but the technologist should facilitate/mentor the process regularly.
  • From the first moment, research is critical, especially in phase 1.

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