Week 7

  • Jan 2:  Students will use entire class period to review and practice using a wide variety of punctuation in essay writing . (Link to punctuation lists/lessons posted in Google classroom.)
  • Jan 3: NO Talking. Write an essay proving all of punctuation skills by integrating as many correctly used punctuation marks as possible. They can have a blank sheet of paper on their desk.

Weeks 8 & 9

  • Jan 6-17: Expand exploration of R&J by researching and presenting on how the themes relate to our lives today. Mr. H Example
    • Students will present a 4-7 minute speech on their theme focus, using details from the play and research.
      • 1. Expand handwritten essay outline (different color pen) to include ideas on the theme today. Mr. H confirmation.
      • 2. Insert outline into and ask ChatGPT to suggest ideas and possible contemporary examples (this is NOT research, just brainstorming).
      • 3. Google search for sources to support the ideas and examples and add to digital outline.
      • 4. Upload outline to Gamma and create a dynamic presentation: Remember, no sentences in presentation. You must include AI icon.
      • 5 Practice, practice, practice. Your presentation score is determined by quality of gestures, voice, presentation, and content.
      • 6. Present your 5-10 minute presentation to the class.
    • Mr. Hanson gets one day per week for punctuation practice lessons.
  • 6 Work days; 3.5 Presentation Days: Start Jan 6
  • HW M-W: Read & Annotate Th: study lesson on vocabulary.com No quiz, just completion points!

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